"I AM" BNP Paribas

BNP Paribas Asset Management launched a video contest internally to in order to bring together the teams around its new identity. Just like on Snapchat, employees filmed short videos with BNP personalized filtres. All the employees of the company were then invited to vote for their favorite video.
Bank / Insurance Loyalty Corporate Animation Video contest
Average game session time
Signup rate
Book a Call
Animated cover
Animated cover
Video tutorial
Video tutorial
BNP filters
BNP filters
Conversational chatbot
Conversational chatbot
"We innovated with this funny campaign for our co-workers, in order to go further in the adoption of our new culture. Fastory helped us during this experimentation and worked along with TBWA\Corporate. We're proud of this innovative project.”

Marianne Huve-Allard, Head of Brand and Communication @ BNP Paribas AM

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